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Consultancy: NMA's proven three-step approach

Consultancy Steps

Step One:
Needs assessment leading to recommendations 

What you do:

Contact us - free call of 30 min
What we do:
Prepare and conduct needs assessment, with interviews 


Analysis of needs 
assessment leading to practical recommendations

Step Two:
Choosing best option and translation into action plan  

What you do:   
Review recommen-dations and proposed results-oriented solutions 

What we do:

Discuss pros and cons for each option and prepare project  


Detailed plan of action for the selected option

Step Three:
Implementation of action plan and assessment of results

What you do:

Accompany and supervise implemen-tation of action plan

What we do:

Conduct and/or support project realisation, provide regular briefings and reporting


Project is concluded, results are assessed 

NGO Management Association
Rue Fendt 1, 1201 Geneva, Switzerland

+41 22 575 30 68

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