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Do you need to prepare, deliver or manage a training course? Don’t look further. The new book by John Cammack on “Cross-cultural Organizational and Financial Training” offers invaluable advice, whether training face-to-face or online. John Cammack is a UK-based trainer for non-profit organisations and author.

In his book, John sums up his experience in delivering trainings to non-profit organisations in 60 countries. The book includes detailed dos and don’ts for working in ten countries - Bangladesh, Cambodia, Ethiopia, Ghana, India, Jordan, Kenya, Pakistan, United Kingdom and Zambia. The success of a training course and the impact it has on the work in the field depends very much on how the trainers are able to adapt their approach to the tradition and work culture in a given country or region, says John Cammack. For example, he advises trainers to consider that in some countries, the senior participants in a course are expected to reply to questions, but not the juniors, even if they might have more experience on a particular subject. So you have to find ways to also enable junior participants to speak. Or, he asks you to plan ahead: do you want to first spend ample time on relationship building at the start of a course in a given context, or do you start with the course programme right away? These are some of the issues that have the potential to make or break a training and for which you will find practical answers in this book. John Cammack offers a selection of introductory activities for courses, energising activities and concluding activities that are conducive to a successful event for both the participants and the trainer. John introduces his new book in this youtube video.

This is not only one of the first books which looks in detail on cross-cultural issues with regard to training, but it is also authored by one of the experts in the field. We highly recommend “Cross-cultural organizational and financial training” for all persons who engage in training activities.

Disclaimer: John has been the financial management trainer for NMA for several years. He has published a wide range of other practical guides, see here, which we likewise recommend you to consider for financial management training.

Special offer for newsletter subscribers:

15% off for the paperback with code CAMMACK15, and for the e-book with code CAMMACK15EBOOK

Covid-19 shouldn’t hinder us to continue expanding our knowledge and skills to strenghten non-profit organisations. A strong civil society based on quality education and training is needed so that it can play its ever more important role in assisting victims of the pandemic. To help you in obtaining additional skills, NMA offers a needs-based modular concept for individual training, which can be delivered even on short notice. For more, see

Photo by Steve Johnson on Unsplash.

NMA conducted a two-week online course for six partner organisations of the Swiss NGO Pestalozzi Children's Fund in September. The 13 participants were highly satisfied with the format of this interactive course. Coaching after the course helps participants during the implementation of the learnings during the course.

Online training

Photo by Headway on Unsplash

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